
Going Back to Work? 3 Tips to Help You Plan for Long-Term Child Care


Transitioning from caring for your child all day to going back to work is stressful for any parent. While it is easier for older children compared with toddlers or infants, such transitions must be managed carefully to ensure that the child gets a care-giver that will be there for the long haul. In the sensitive childhood years, it's important that your child forms a long relationship and emotional attachment to the adult you'll leave them with.

11 December 2017

Why Parents Who Homeschool Make the Best Childminders


Considering hiring a childminder who homeschools their own kids? You're making a good decision. Parents who homeschool their own children are well-equipped to provide childcare services for a variety of reasons. These include the fact that they'll be able to provide educational activities, will have plenty of materials for your child to use during projects, will have their home set up for childcare already and can operate on a flexible schedule.

19 July 2017

No Hassle, Day-to-Day Early Learning Activities


As a parent, you are your child's most important first teacher. It is well recognized that the early years have a major influence in the forming the best possible development outcomes for the future. Before the start of school, the earlier you become engaged in supporting your child's learning, the better it will be for their future and bring lifelong benefits. Fortunately, there are some very simple ways to engage in everyday activities that support your preschooler's progress and make a considerable difference to their learning.

30 May 2017

Finding child care for children with behavioural problems


For some parents of children with behavioural problems, child care is not just important because it allows the parent to go off to work or school, but it also allows an all important respite from the challenges of raising a child with special needs.  Get a medical diagnosis  If your child has a medically diagnosable condition, it can be a good idea to get a formal diagnosis. This can open the way to getting a formal care plan and additional (subsidised) resources for child care.

28 September 2016

"What was that?" - helping children improve articulation


It can be a source of much frustration to children if they have the language abilities to formulate thoughts but not the speech skills to articulate these thoughts. If your child seems to be able to make complex sentences that express their desires but can only be understood part of the time, it can be time to look at how to improve their articulation. Here are some things you can do as a parent.

22 January 2016

Five Essential Attributes to Look for When Choosing a Daycare for Your Transgendered Child


If your child identifies with a different gender than the one he or she was assigned at birth, your child may be considered transgender. Being a  transgendered person can be challenging in a lot of ways, and if you want to support your child, you need to choose his or her daycare carefully. Here are some of the qualities to keep in mind when choosing a daycare like Hopscotch Boambee for your transgendered child:

21 August 2015

Creating An Inclusive Environment At Your Child Care Centre For LGBTQ Families


For a growing number of families, one or more of the children's parents or carers identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual or genderqueer. It is important for those families to find a child care centre that is open and welcoming. Here are some ways to ensure that your centre is as inclusive as possible. Reading materials Be sure to include books that show families of all compositions, not just a nuclear family.

21 August 2015

Exploring the Idea of Clouds as a Childcare Learning Theme


As a child care educator you are often looking for new themes for learning-through-play at activities in your centre.  For children in a childcare environment, clouds can be a great way to explore the creativity, encourage observation and start some (very early) scientific observations. Here are some learning ideas that you can use for children of all ages. Babies Try creating cloud artwork with the babies by gluing cotton buds inside the outline of a cloud.

31 July 2015

3 Steps To Help Your Child Adjust To Preschool


If you have been lucky enough to take a few years off work to care for your child, your child may not have had much opportunity to be apart from you. Your child may feel nervous about being separated from you, particularly for long periods of time. This can pose a difficulty if you need to return to work and your child must go to preschool or daycare. However, there are a few steps you can take to ensure the transition to preschool is as peaceful as possible.

22 July 2015